FUSHIBEARING 3D Printer CNC Parts Lm8luu Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8

FUSHIBEARING 3D Printer CNC Parts Lm8luu Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8


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  • 3D Printer CNC Parts LM8LUU Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8mm Bore Size 8x15x45mm, Pick of 4Pcs

    3D Printer CNC Parts LM8LUU Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8mm Bore Size 8x15x45mm, Pick of 4Pcs

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  • FUSHIBEARING 3D Printer CNC Parts Lm8luu Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8

    FUSHIBEARING 3D Printer CNC Parts Lm8luu Linear Bearing Set for JGAurora Voron Monoprice Maker Select, Extra Longer Double Sealed Chrome Steel LM08LUU Bearings, 8

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Product Details

Linear Bushing model LM is a linear motion system used in combination with a cylindrical LM shaft to perform infinite straight motion.||The balls in the loaded area of the nut are in point contact with the LM shaft.||This allows straight motion with minimal friction resistance and achieves highly accurate and smooth motion despite the small permissible load.||The nut uses high-carbon chromium bearing steel and its outer and inner surfaces are ground after being heat-treated.

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