Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997


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  • KELCH Gas Cap With Gauge for Snowmobile POLARIS 500 INDY, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

    KELCH Gas Cap With Gauge for Snowmobile POLARIS 500 INDY, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

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  • Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

    Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

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  • Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

    Kelch GAS Cap with Gauge for Snowmobile Polaris 500 Indy, 500 EFI,SKS,RMK 1997

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Product Details

No more second guessing your gas level with Built in Gauge||13.5 inch long Cap ID 2-1/4"||Replaces Polaris OEM 2511248,2511198,2511277||See fittment in description||Gauge length should be at least 3/8" less than depth of tank

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